Photo of nude blonde submissive girl in chain bondage

Bondage Submissive

Bondage, Fetish Photo Galleries, Fetish Stories, Kinky Shorts, Submission, Submission Stories


She wants to be taken but only when she is bound, restrained and unable to resist. Only bondage will make her submissive.

You enter and undress quietly, only half hidden by the screens

Slowly, unsure you turn, ready to stand naked before me.
Your beauty revealed completely for the first time.
At my command you turn, bending forward to reveal your inner delights,
But this is not your desire.
To be fucked, unrestrained is not your passion.
We slip on cuffs and manacles,
Each click of a lock closing brings you closer to what you crave.

You bend again.
Now your lips are spreading. The liquid of your desire begins to flow,
But still I will not take you,
Will not possess you.

You sit, almost insolent at my restraint,
Your legs spreading, revealing your delights,
Inviting me to quench your lust
And mine.
The bondage tightens.
Arms and legs secured together, helpless to resist.
This is what you wanted, what you craved.
To be possessed, to be used as a Master would his slave.
You have given me the keys to your mouth, your cunt, your ass.

The kinky collection of short stories by Simone Francis

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Photo of nude dominant woman with a submissive girl slave

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