Title photo How to shoot creative nude photos of women in bondage

Artistic Nude Bondage Photography – Photo Tips

Bondage, Fetish Art Photos, Fetish Photo Galleries, Fetish Photo Tips

Tanya lays naked across a bed, the light shining through the bars of her window creates stripes and shadows across her body. Above her hangs a chain.

Photo art of submission and punishment. A mistress with her naked female slave

The Art of Submission and Punishment

Fetish Art Photos, Fetish Photo Galleries, Spanking, Submission, Yes Mistress

 ‘The curious thing about this submission and punishment was that it made me grow even more fond of the person who administered it.’

Jean-Jaques Rousseau Confessions.
Black and white fetish photography tips

Black and White Fetish Photography

Fetish Art Photos, Fetish Photo Galleries, Fetish Photo Tips

Textures and contrasts are stronger in black and white fetish photography. It is easier to create emotions and moods without the distractions of colour.