Free Spanking, Bondage, Fetish Stories and Photos
Kinky Shorts is a collection of highly erotic fetish photos and short pieces of writing designed to stimulate your imagination and turn you on.
Select your favourite fetish to enjoy the free stories and photos brought to you by Simone Francis and Vasarian
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You can see from my coat of arms that the stately pile of Hardend House is a haven for those ladies who desire to have their bottom bared and discipline applied by a strict Mistress.
Admission to all of Hardend House is free. Many of the rooms are open to the public but to gain access to the protected areas simply fill out the form below to receive your personal invitation.

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Secret Obsessions
Originally the word fetish referred to an inanimate object worshiped by preliterate peoples because of its supposed inherent magical powers.
It wasn’t until the last century that fetish became an object or action that (abnormally) stimulated sexual desire. In fact it took until the swinging sixties for its current meaning to become established.
Obsessions doesn’t fare a lot better. If we disregard the early meaning of ‘to besiege a place,’ (OED) we end up with an image or idea that continually fills (or troubles) the mind.
Hopefully nothing here troubles the mind and your Secret Obsessions are more of an enjoyment. Everything you will see on this site is erotic, a bit smutty (OK very smutty in places), but not porn. There are plenty of other sites providing that.
This site showcases erotic fetish photography and writing on spanking, bondage and submission. Everything is free to view.
That doesn’t mean you can nick it – it is all copyright.
If you think obsessions or fetish fits into the abnormal or the troublesome category, or if you are under 18 (21 in some countries) then I suggest you find another site to browse.
(OED) Oxford English Dictionary
Bondage and submission is part of a fun and consensual life. The pictures on this site were posed by some very talented models, all of whom were over 18 when the photographs were taken. They enjoy what they do and are also good actors, so if they look frightened or in pain it is an act.
The fiction is simply that – fiction.