Title photo How to shoot creative nude photos of women in bondage

Artistic Nude Bondage Photography – Photo Tips

Bondage, Fetish Art Photos, Fetish Photo Galleries, Fetish Photo Tips

Tanya lays naked across a bed, the light shining through the bars of her window creates stripes and shadows across her body. Above her hangs a chain.

The Art of Submission Photo of a naked girl bent over a chair ready for punishment

The Art of Submission

Bondage, Spanking, Submission

Most people love fantasies. Whether it is Star Trek, Mills and Boon or kinky sex, the desire to enjoy and act out these fantasies in a safe environment is part of human behaviour.

Playing the submissive in the bedroom (or the kitchen, living room or outdoors) in a sexual context can be exhilarating for both men and women. The rush of endorphins that the roller coaster ride creates can be wonderfully stimulating.