Isabella’s Slave is an illustrated erotic story of submission. Mistresses and subs sometimes quarrel and the results are electric.
Isabella came to stay at Hardend House bringing her ever faithful maid Sophie with her. Now Sophie gladly puts up with most of her mistress’s tantrums, after all, being Isabella’s slave is her chosen role in life.
Isabella is a classic Mistress, tall and haughty and with a deliciously short temper which provides Sophie with endless stimulation in the form of various punishments for her misdemeanours.
Isabella usually makes Sophie carry out her duties at Hardend, which can include long trips to the kitchen or wine cellar, naked. I have even known the expensively dressed Isabella arrive in the back of a chauffeur driven limousine accompanied by the nude Sophie.
Now all of this is to be expected in a relationship such as theirs but Isabella can be a bit of a bitch. On this occasion, after administering only a light punishment which was far below what would excite Sophie, she decided to enjoy her frustrated maid’s attentions.
Knowing Isabella, there was the threat of a more fearsome punishment which Sophie would gladly accept if she didn’t perform to Isabella’s exacting requirements. It would seem that Sophie was a little fed up that she had only received a token punishment before kneeling to pleasure her Mistress and decided to rebel.
This is Isabella’s account
Sophie needs continual discipline and I have begun to notice that she deliberately misbehaves in order to provoke me. She obviously enjoys my response so I decided that the best punishment was, no punishment. I stopped her usual flogging before she gained any satisfaction and ordered her to bring me a glass of wine.
When she eventually arrived I noticed that she had put her panties back on. Now I do like my servants to be naked and have given her strict instructions to comply with this. I assumed that she had not had enough the first time and was trying to provoke me into a second round. This seemed to be further evidence that she has forgotten that punishments are administered at my discretion and not just when she feels like receiving one.
I ordered her to remove the offending garments and concentrate on pleasing her mistress rather than trying to solicit further efforts from me.
I did suggest that she might receive some correction depending on her performance and ordered her to leave my knickers on to make this task a little more arduous.
Next The Rebellion
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It had never occurred to her that the girl actually enjoyed her punishment and she found herself idly wondering what it was like to be in that position.
“Each of you will kneel before your mount and take him in your mouth. There’s no prize for the winner, but the slowest girl will endure the punishment of her riders choosing.”
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